Reasonable Accommodation Policy
Requests for Reasonable Accommodations
A person with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations to facilitate participation in the FSS program. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Requests should be made initially to the FSS coordinator. If a family is not satisfied with the FSS Coordinator’s response, the family may submit a request in writing in accordance with the agency’s reasonable accommodations policy.
Request for Effective Communications
A person with disabilities may request the use of effective communication strategies in order to facilitate participation in the FSS program. Examples include: appropriate auxiliary aids and services, such as interpreters, computer-assisted real time transcription (CART), captioned videos with audible video description, visual alarm devices, a talking thermostat, accessible electronic communications and websites, documents in alternative formats (e.g., Braille, large print), or assistance in reading or completing a form, etc.
Requests should be made initially to the FSS coordinator. If a family is not satisfied with the FSS Coordinator’s response, the family may submit a request in writing in accordance with the agency’s effective communications policy.
Limited English Proficiency
The HAA will comply with HUD requirements to conduct oral and written communication related to the FSS program in languages that are understandable to people with Limited English Proficiency.